Sunday 31 July 2016

July Summary!

This month has been a little bit lax on the blogging front unfortunately, July has just flown by because I've been so busy and all of a sudden we're at the end of the month so I thought I would share with you everything I've been up to!

The start of the month was my release of my new line of products in my online shop, we released our line of bath bombs 'Hubble Bubble Bath' and a four scent collection inspired by the summer solstice !

Hubble bubble bath logo! 

After the shop release things seemed to quieten down but we've still been really busy adding to the shop, we've got lots and lots of new products that will be arriving soon! 

Towards the middle of the month Alistair got a new tattoo
Then on the 16th I got my first ever tattoo that I'm going to make a whole other post about! 

We added another section to the shop with lots of witchcraft related items

These have done really well, so after all that drama we went for a weekend away with his family and surrounded ourselves with beautiful scenery like this! 

The day we got back (the 25th ) was my brothers 10th birthday and the next day I had a haircut and Alistair had his driving theory test! 

Talk about busy! 


Wednesday 20 July 2016

Witchcraft Wednesday #2 what we made on the summer solstice

Hi everyone,
It's now been a month since the summer solstice which was a particularly powerful one as it was also a full moon so I took the chance to do lots of spells and brew some potions!
Here's what I made
-Full moon water
-Full moon oil
- Rose water
- Wild Flower water
- Love potion
- A potion to invoke peace and calmness

I also did spells to attract happiness and prosperity, charged all my crystals, cards, pendulums, did a deep clean both personally and to my house.

Monday 11 July 2016

Spooky box club enchanted forest unboxing

I've never had a spooky box club box before, but this appeared as a surprise!
If you don't know already, Spooky box club is a goth subscription box service providing a selection of exclusive goods that adhere to a monthly theme. The subscription is £21 per month. 
This is the enchanted forest box, which is a perfect match for me as I love anything magical! 
Upon opening this, you're greeted by brown paper wiggles
And you get to do a little hunt for your items! 
I loved the contents of this box! You get a little grey card telling you the contents and which charity the box raised money for. 
The Box also contained: 
•A small tub of enchanted forest tea and •a skull tea infuser. 
This tea comes in a really cute container and is also the nicest tea I have ever had. it contains: apple and orange pieces, hibiscus cornflower petals, dried currants, elderberries and rosehips. 
The tea infuser is so cute and just the right size! 
•A packet of white spell candles
I go through spell candles like there's no tomorrow so these are much appreciated. The tiny size means they are perfect to travel. 
•Swirly lollipop
My inner child is very happy with this! I think Spooky Box Club put a lolipop in every box 
• forest witch scarf
This is a gorgeous light beige and has hand drawn style patterns on of crystals, leaves and animal skulls. I'm not a scarf person, so I'm using this as an altar cloth 
• Crystal point necklace (flourite?) 
This is one of those pieces that every witch needs to own, it's really elegant and I love the short chain it comes on. 
•Branch and skull dangly earrings
These silver earrings are little ornate branches with skulls growing from them. They've rekindled my love for dangly earrings as they're so elegant but spooky
• Witchy Woman moon phase patch 
This is probably my favourite item, it's just so cool and relevant but I'm really struggling to choose what to put it on. 
• Dreamcatcher 
This is easily my second favourite item, I've wanted a dream catcher for ages and this one is really high quality and stunning. I've slept so much better since hanging it up too and I absolutely love it. 

Since receiving this box I have fallen in love with spooky box club and would love to subcribe to their boxes! 
Do any of you receive these boxes? 

5 confidence tips for wearing shorts

My legs have always been a massive issue for me, so wearing shorts has always been a no-go area until this summer. And although I can still feel a bit awkward in them, these tips really help. 

1: Make sure your legs are prepped 
If I know I'm wearing shorts I always make sure my legs look as good as possible. I tend to do hair removal and exfoliate the day before and moisturise on the day. 
2: Badass shoes
I always feel like wearing interesting shoes take the attention away from my legs 
3: Cover up until you feel confident
When I first got my shorts I wore them with fishnets or stockings for the first few weeks until I felt confident 
4: pick the right pair
Picking shorts that are right for your body is really important. These are from topshop and I made sure to get them really oversized for the fit and length I wanted. 
5: Wear them alone first
I had more than a few practice try-ons of these, trying on tops and shoes that looked best, and making sure I was okay with them from every angle. 

Let me know if this was useful and what your confidence tips are! 

Why I went braless

A couple of months ago I wore an outfit without a bra, two months later and I'm still not wearing a bra...

I get asked a lot why I've stopped wearing a bra, the day I stopped wearing them it was because it would have looked bad with my outfit that day, now I have the freedom to wear anything I want without worrying about being able to see my bra. 
I also feel physically free, I no longer feel it pushing against me, and straps digging into my back. Particularly in hot weather, bras can be uncomfortable and overhot so it feels great to forgo that. 
Not wearing a bra makes me feel quite liberated, I find the press of my nipples on tight tops quite sexy and I've learnt to appreciate the curves of my breasts and live with the shape and size. My boobs and I have a better relationship now I'm no longer forcing them into moulded and padded cups hoping to change them, I've accepted them as they are. 
I also feel really lucky to be able to make the decision to not wear a bra, as many are not fortunate enough to own a bra and others have limitations to going without them. 

Wednesday 6 July 2016

Witchcraft Wednesday #1: How to cleanse and charge crystals

Cleansing and re-charging your crystals is vital to get good results from using them, cleansing them removes energy they may have picked up and recharging them replenishes them with positive energy making them fit for use, luckily you can often combine cleansing and recharging which is what I like to do. Please please please research the crystals you have and make sure that they are suitable for the cleansing method you want to use so that you don't end up damaging them or weakening them.

Sea Salt.
Sea salt is a pretty standard method of cleansing and charging and you can do this with or without water, you can mix sea salt and water in a glass container  and then submerge the crystals in the salty water, or you can use dry sea salt and bury the crystals, as a general rule I leave them for 24 hours.

Another easy way to cleanse is to return the crystals to the earth for a time, just bury them and leave them for a little while to soak up the energy from the earth. Make sure you know where you've buried them though, or you could bring a small tub of earth inside and bury them in a container.
This is the method I normally use, I put my crystals outside or on the windowsill during a night of the full moon and during the night of the new moon, this way I am reminded regularly to cleanse and charge my crystals and it's a super easy method too. You can either put them on a windowsill that catches the moonlight or leave them outside. This is my favourite method because to my knowledge it works and is safe for all crystals.

This is a really easy and popular way to cleanse and charge, simply put your crystals outside in the sun, it provides lots of energy when charging but the sunlight can be damaging and draining to crystals so please do your research into what the effects on your crystals might be.

Running water
Simply place the crystals under running water, this is great if you're in a rush and to physically clean the crystals too. Make sure that you dry them properly after visualizing all the negative energy being washed away.

There are several methods of using smoke to cleanse, it's really popular to use sage to cleanse the inside of a house and crystals are no different, you could burn herb or sage bundles and waft the crystals through the smoke, you could also do exactly the same with incense sticks, or you could throw the crystals through a candle flame


Motivational monday #5 10 little things you can do to de-stress your life

Sometimes when everything gets a bit overwhelming, it can be hard to know what to do to improve your state of mind. Luckily, I've come up with 10 tips to instantly make life a bit less stressful.

1- Turn off social media notifications on your phone
2- Write a short term to-do list
3- cull your wardrobe
4- unsubscribe from all email marketing
5- get rid of five items you no longer use
6- unfriend and unfollow everyone on social media you don't actually like
7- downsize your beauty collection
8- sort out your email inbox
9- reply to five messages
10- throw out odd socks.

Curiology wishlist

Recently I have fallen absolutely in love with a wonderful little company called Curiology, they create stunning statement jewelry pieces and accessories, and as I was writing myself a little list of all the things I want to buy, I thought I'd share my absolute favourite pieces with you. This isn't sponsored or endorsed (though I wish it was!) I just really need all these pretties in my life.


The Amethyst slice necklace is definitely my all time favourite, I just seem to have this urge to buy absolutely anything that is made from amethyst. This piece is also so striking and magical looking that it would just make a whole outfit. I NEED IT! 

For a more dainty layered look I think the salvation necklace is perfect, I love that it goes across the shoulders as well as straight down and I love the subtle use of religious imagery. 

The glitter mermaid necklace is such a fun, bold piece! After being convinced for several years that my mum used to be a mermaid, I seem to have developed a love for anything related to mermaids. I love this piece because it's so different to my usual style but still gothic and glam.
The enchanted rose necklace is one I knew I instantly had to have, Beauty and the Beast is one of my all time favourite Disney films and this is such a beautiful, elegant representation of the enchanted rose and is a real princess piece that would go with a soft, elegant outfit.

The fairy dust necklace is another whimsical, delicate piece to compliment softer outfits or to layer. I love the detail on this piece and that it's a wide vial rather than vertical. It looks so magical and would be lovely and light to wear.

I don't normally go for big chunky necklaces but the lunar phases necklace is so quirky and very me, I love the shape and simplicity of design while still being a really eye catching piece that is just so aesthetically appealing and a perfect reference guide too.

Having just bought an amethyst pendulum, I now just want more, and this black agate pendulum necklace is not only a really stylish piece but could be taken off and used as a pendulum at any time. I love that this witchy piece is so practical to carry around and has that extra bit of detail that characterizes Curiology products.

I'm absolutely loving curiology right now, what pieces are your favourites?  


Monday 4 July 2016

Why I love Minimalism

Obviously we've all seen the stylish blogs in monotone colours with nothing on them of rooms with nothing in them, but what is so great about this lifestyle? 
For me, minimilism helps me to focus on what's important, living a more simple life turns off some of the tabs open in my mind and allows me to prioritize my own inner peace and happiness without being stressed by clutter. 
Minimalism makes me happy because it is a total overhaul process of getting rid of the past and unecessary stresses, from a practical point of view, tidying up and space isn't so much of an issue and my space reflects how I want to feel. Cleansed and energised, with room only for what serves a purpose and makes me happy. 
Minimalism helped me to see what was important to me, and that I was spending too much time surrounded by things that didn't make me happy. 
Minimalism isn't about having nothing, it's about clearing out clutter and prioritizing, not just physically but mentally too. Due to this lifestyle, I am less stressed and more organized, less busy and more commited. 

Sunday 3 July 2016

Hubble Bubble Bath

I mentioned Hubble Bubble Bath in my June favourites post, but in case you didn't read that I wanted to make a seperate post about it. 
Hubble Bubble Bath is a new part to my online store selling amazing handcrafted bath bombs for magical use. On July 1st we released our first collection, the 'Solstice' collection inspired by the amazing summer solstice this year. 

Merlyn/ Sage and Sea Salt/ Sanguine/ Witchy ways 

Merlyn really brings to mind old tales and legends from the days where magic was every day practise, the base of red wine blended into spicy cinnamon, amber and sandalwood is simply magical. 

Sage and Sea Salt is the perfect bath bomb for full body cleansing, getting rid of negative energy and revitalising. Sage has long been used for cleansing properties and the salt adds an extra something to the mixture, bringing an element of sea witch power. 

Sanguine is both a representation of the strawberry moon and a reminder of dark power. This deep scent is wine based, deep and dark, the perfect scent for a witch before a ritual. 

Witchy ways is another magical scent exploding with ethereal spices, cannabis flower and a slight scent of tea leaves. The scent of spells being cast and fortunes being told. 
The solstice is such a focal point of my year and was just the perfect theme for my collection, I love all the products and the collection. 
This collection really is my pride and joy, I've been working on this launch for a few months now and I'm so happy to be able to share it with you! 


June favourites 2016

This month I've been lucky enough to have and try so many new and amazing things, so here's my top 5! 

1: Pyrography. 
So this is the art of burning designs into wood and something I had never tried until this month. I'm not the best at it but it's so relaxing and theraputic for me, the smell that the burning wood makes is also divine!  I made these adorable spoons 

2: Baking/ Cupcake Jemma
I've always loved to bake but in recent years I haven't had much of an opportunity to do that, but since discovering 'Cupcake Jemma' that passion has reignited. Cupcake Jemma owns the 'Crumbs and Doillies' cake shop in Soho which is just AMAZING and also runs a youtube channel sharing cake tutorials and tips! 

3: Spooky box club 
This month I received a 'Spooky box Club' box as a gift and I'm now obsessed! The boxes contain so much more than I would have thought and everything about them is just perfect

4) Misfit mail 
Misfit mail is a facebook group where we do themed exchanges every month as well as being a huge group of friends, this month I've really appreciated the supportive side of the group and LOVED the exchanges and themes. It's such a fun community and it makes me so excited to receive post! 

5) Hubble Bubble Bath
Hubble bubble bath is the sister company to my online shop Midnight Coven Crafts, and I have absolutely loved preparing for the launch which was the first of this month! 

So many more wonderful things and experiences have happened this month, so narrowing down my favourites has been really hard! 

© Sabina Salem. All rights reserved.