Friday 3 June 2016

Top 5 tips for festival fashion

As a seasoned festival goer I thought I would share my top 5 tips for festival wear that I've learned over trial and an awful lot of error!

1- don't take anything fancy Obviously 'fancy' means different things to everyone but basically don't take anything expensive, hard to wash, easily damageable or that you care a lot about, because it will be muddy and some asshole will probably throw his drink. 2- take versatile clothing. You don't really want to take a ton of stuff so take things that look good with multiple different things and that can be worn in all weathers, for example take a pair of shorts that go with all your tops and a pair of jeans that go with the same tops. 3- be prepared for all weathers Even if it's predicted to be perfect weather, take warm clothing just in case. take something waterproof but also take some things you can wear if it's really hot. Have multiple warm things that you can stack on at night. 4- focus on footwear Footwear is pretty important because festivals put a bit of trauma on your shoes, take a pair that can survive mud and that aren't going to start hurting after an hour or so, bear in mind you will be on grass and mud and people may step on your feet. I would also take shoes you don't mind potentially ruining, and another tip is to take foam flipflops if you plan on showering as the floors can be gross. 5- layer Given that the weather is so unpredictable I suggest taking clothing you can layer so that you can remove or put on layers as the weather changes, things like kimonos/wraps are perfect.

Let me know if these tips helped you and what your top tips for festival fashion are!

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