Tuesday 7 June 2016

5 top tips to being a festival tosser.

So recently I've been getting pretty annoyed with people who obviously don't understand festival etiquette, but if you really have a burning desire to be that person at a festival that everyone hates, never fear, you'll be the most unpopular person there with these great tips! 1: make sure you don't bring enough food and drink, and instead of buying yourself more, just ask everyone else for it. 2: alternatively you could just pester everyone for money 3: get absolutely wasted and attempt to start a campsite singsong at 2am. When no-one joins in, make sure to walk into the side of peoples tents. 3: set a fire and let it catch your tent at the end of the festival, it will then pass to the other tents and the whole campsite will be toasty and warm and not have to take tents home. 4: be that person who throws their drink 5: wake up really early and ensure the whole campsite is awake by being noisy.

If you have any other suggestions for what not to do at festivals, let me know!


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